Expectations are that K-12 learning will take place in a mix of in-person, remote and hybrid models through the rest of the 20-21 school year. As a result, this blog covers some issues that Simba Information expects to play out in the coming year.
January 19, 2021The coronavirus crisis accelerated some trends that were happening already in both student and professional learning, most notably a move to digital learning.
July 14, 2020As governors across the states begin first-quarter rollouts of budget proposals for fiscal 2021, some common themes are seen across budget proposals in some big states.
March 9, 2020The period from 2000 through 2018 as schools went through the No Child Left Behind and Common Core eras saw intensifying pressure around testing and led to the more recent movement to reduce the amount of time spent taking tests and preparing for them. The state of the industry and the market appears to be calming down.
October 15, 2019"K-12 Social Studies Market Survey Report 2019" provides information on what resources educators are using for social studies instruction and sizes the dollar value of the market for social studies instructional materials in 2019.
September 26, 2019Publishers are approaching changes in the PreK-12 instructional materials market in different ways
August 7, 2018School technology leaders increasingly report that they have infrastructure in place and student devices deployed, but they are still working on ways to use that technology to improve classroom instruction.
July 2, 2018A window into the future of education can be seen in the accelerator programs supporting educational technology development and in the changes schools are making to get ready for new ways to teach and learn.
June 15, 2018Companies are offering, and schools are considering, more options for using robots in primary education as research indicates children are capable of STEM learning at an early age.
May 17, 2018Schools of the future typically include plenty of open spaces, including learning commons, makerspaces and wide hallways to encourage collaboration.
May 8, 2018