Water is vital for life, and information is vital to the life of your business. Freedonia market research into the various methods, technologies, and markets for water treatment products and services can do more than keep your business afloat: it can help you thrive. Get marketing sizing estimates, analysis of major trends and opportunities in the industry, and insights into the newest technological breakthroughs and product development efforts to guide your company's strategic planning.
The global market for consumer water treatment – which includes both treatment systems and their replacement parts, such as filters and membranes – reached $23 billion in 2020. While overall demand for these products was slowed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the outlook is strong through 2025 as economic growth, product development, and ongoing concern for water quality issues support increased adoption of these products as well as sales of higher value systems
This report forecasts to 2028 US water use and withdrawal in gallons.
This report forecasts annually to 2028 US bottled water demand in gallons.
This report forecasts to 2028 US potable water pipe demand in pounds, linear feet, and nominal US dollars at the manufacturer level.
This report forecasts to 2028 US storm and sanitary sewer pipe demand in nominal US dollars at the manufacturer level.
This report forecasts to 2028 filter demand and production in nominal US dollars at the manufacturer level in Canada.
This report forecasts to 2028 US filter demand and production in nominal US dollars at the manufacturer level.
This report forecasts to 2028 global demand for filters by product, market, and major world region in nominal US dollars at the manufacturer level.
This report forecasts to 2028 filter demand and production in nominal US dollars at the manufacturer level in China.
This report forecasts to 2028 filter demand and production in nominal US dollars at the manufacturer level in Europe.
This report forecasts to 2028 filter demand and production in nominal US dollars at the manufacturer level in Mexico.