by Freedonia Industry Studies
May 4, 2020
Consumers who stocked up their pantries to ahead of the stay-at-home orders or to reduce their shopping trips found themselves with more packaging than they normally have. Even consumers who have been trying to reduce their waste footprint are stocking their homes with canned food and food ensconced in layers of plastic and paperboard, waxed or otherwise. Households are also inundated with countless boxes from increased e-commerce deliveries.
Must sustainability be sacrificed to extended food shelf life?
Must sustainability fall victim to our need for delivery as we reduce in-person shopping?
Are these truly either/or situations?
Must consumers and packaged food companies choose between their sustainability values and the needs of our current situation in a world still largely sheltering in place?
There are answers to these questions. With some creativity and continued dedication to systemic change, packaging firms and consumer packaged goods companies can still answer both needs:
The problem for sustainably minded consumers is that their options aren’t as widespread as they should be and the available options are still too often priced for better off consumers.
A functioning waste infrastructure – including municipal composting facilities and recycling capacity that covers a more diverse array of materials and forms – is also needed. Such a public investment would pay off in reduced landfill and a more circular economy.
For more information, see The Freedonia Group’s catalog of packaging research, including Food & Beverage Packaging Innovation and Global E-Commerce Packaging, as well as our sister publisher Packaged Facts’ food and beverage industry research. Freedonia Custom Research is also available for questions requiring tailored market intelligence.