by Sarah Schmidt
March 30, 2020
With changes amid the COVID-19 pandemic happening so quickly and continuously, the Simba Information newsletters, Educational Marketer and Electronic Education Report, are sharing news free about the virus-related changes in the K-12 and higher education markets and the companies that serve them. Analysts will post updates to the topics below and more as information is gathered. Simba invites you to ask questions and share insight with Kathy Mickey, [email protected] and Karen Meaney, [email protected].
States increasingly are closing school and college buildings and moving instruction online to students, but there is no clear uniformity in program development/delivery or about how long this will last.
Almost every provider of instructional resources and services is providing some materials and services free online.
Long-discussed issues around educational equity, access to technology and the transformation to digital instruction will be getting a new look.
The education funding outlook is darkening with state education funding likely the first to be cut. New York’s fiscal 2021 begins April 1, the earliest in the nation, with July 1 being the start of a new year in 46 states.
The epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S., New York is expected to approve a fiscal 2020 budget in April, which may provide an early view of the impact of COVID-19.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo projects a state revenue shortfall between $10 billion and $15 billion and some cut to education aid, the largest cost in the state budget. Cuomo also suggested state aid to schools could be revised quarterly as the economic implications of the crisis play out. That would create uncertainty for school districts that already are beginning to look at what spending they might eliminate or postpone.
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