Report Overview
Landscaping Products: United States provides demand in nominal US dollars at the manufacturer level in annual series from 2013 to 2023, with a forecast for 2028. Total demand is segmented by product and market, reported at five-year intervals for 2013, 2018, 2023, and 2028. Key macroeconomic indicators are also provided with quantified trends. Other various topics, including profiles of pertinent leading companies, are covered in this report.
Product Segments:
- hardscape products
- outdoor structures
- decorative landscaping product
- pots, planters, and raised beds
- landscape lighting
- bird and wildlife products
- other products such as heating products, synthetic turf, and fabrics and accessories
Market Segments:
- residential
- consumer
- recreation and infrastructure
Clarifications & Exclusions:
- Hardscaping products used to produce site-built outdoor kitchens are included, but the similar materials that are incorporated into prefabricated units produced in a manufacturing plant are not.
- Hardscape products used to build heating products are included, but heating products made from kits or are pre-built are included with outdoor heating product demand.
- Outdoor structures that are prefabricated or built onsite from a kit are included, but those built onsite using customer-selected lumber or other materials (e.g., not part of a factory-compiled kit) are excluded.
- Also excluded from the scope of this report are bricks and blocks that are part of home structures; consumables such as soil and mulch; equipment; furniture; green goods (trees, shrubs, and plants); hardscape products used in non-landscape areas like driveways or roadways; landscaping service revenues; lighting that is attached to a building; lumber decking, which differs from patios in that it uses a substructure that elevates it above the ground; products used in retaining walls, if the structure is necessary to the integrity of yard or building; and synthetic turf in stadiums and sports fields other than golf courses.