by Freedonia Focus Reports Team
May 26, 2023
Oil and gas, water supply, and durable goods applications will account for bulk of growth
Cleveland, OH, May 26, 2023 — US shipments of industrial castings are forecast to see minimal annual growth in nominal terms through 2027, according to Industrial Castings: United States, a report recently released by Freedonia Focus Reports. Shipments will be buoyed by the use of various steel alloy pipes in applications such as gas and oil as wells drilled and collection lines expand. Competition from products manufactured using alternative processes (e.g., stamping) and less costly materials (e.g., plastic, concrete) will weigh on shipments. In addition, suppliers will continue to face some competition from imported castings, especially those from China.
Shipments of ductile iron – the largest discrete segment – are projected to see annual growth of nearly 1.0% through 2027. Increased expenditures in sewer and water supply utilities construction will drive growth. Several federal initiatives are expected to encourage municipal water line replacement over the forecast period.
Steel investment castings shipments are forecast to increase 2.5% per year through 2027, the fastest rate among segments. Gains will be driven by increased production of aerospace equipment, machinery, transportation equipment, and other durable goods that utilize steel investment castings.
These and other key insights are featured in Industrial Castings: United States. This report forecasts to 2023 and 2027 US industrial castings demand and shipments in nominal US dollars at the manufacturer level. Total shipments are segmented by product in terms of:
To illustrate historical trends, total demand, total shipments, and the various shipment segments are provided in annual series from 2012 to 2022.
Castings produced by the same establishment that further transforms the castings into finished products are not included in this report’s stated shipments or demand figures. Further excluded are castings produced with plastic, plaster, or other nonmetal materials, and castings used for applications such as molds, scale models, and toys. Die cast metals exclusively encompass nonferrous metals. Re-exports of industrial castings are excluded from demand and trade figures.
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