by Corinne Gangloff
April 26, 2022
Cleveland OH, April 26, 2022 – Technological innovation will play a leading role in boosting the forestry equipment market going forward, finds a Freedonia Group analysis. Almost all leading suppliers of this machinery have had or are planning large product launches in 2022. The next generation of forestry equipment and attachments incorporates numerous innovative technologies (e.g., advanced sensors and software) that are transforming their capabilities.
Drones, Better Fuel Efficiency Among Focuses of Innovation
Although the working conditions of forestry mean that complete automation is not on the horizon as it may be in mining and agriculture, new generations of equipment with updated operating systems and increased automated processes are being offered. Notable innovations include:
Forestry Drone Market to Quadruple in Value by 2026
Global demand for forestry drones is the smallest among drone types but growing the fastest. This market is projected to be four times larger in 2026 than it was in 2021:
Advanced Equipment Can Improve Sustainability
Wider spread implementation of smarter and more advanced equipment offers long-term opportunities for the forestry industry by making it easier for operators – both in larger, developing areas like Brazil and Indonesia, as well as in places like Western Europe, where forestry has long been established – to use sustainable practices that preserve an area’s natural forestry resources.
Want to Learn More?
Global Forestry Equipment from The Freedonia Group provides historical data for 2010, 2015 and 2020, and forecasts to 2025 and 2030 for global forestry equipment demand in current (including inflation) US dollars and/or units by product and major global region and country. Forested land is calculated in hectares and roundwood production in cubic meters.
The following types of products are covered:
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