Report Overview
Simba has estimated that the total market sales of the PreK-12 assessment market reached over $2.825 billion in 2021-2022. Breaking down that figure by key segments, state level summative assessments represent 37.8% of the market, and nearly two-thirds of the market can be attributed specifically to classroom assessments. Simba has also found that the classroom assessment segment is growing extremely quickly with a year-over-year increase of 16.1%.
Simba also predicts total assessment sales will exceed $5 billion in 2024-2025 with classroom assessments driving the growth.
Table of Contents
Industry Size & Structure
Types of Tests
Table | Testing Terminology
Growth Drivers
Strong Funding Picture Drives Progress
Table | Selected Federal Funding Sources for Assessments, 2022
Market Size
Table | PreK-12 Testing Sales, by Segment, 2018-2021 (in millions)
Table | Change in PreK-12 Testing Sales, 2019-2021
Table | Market Share, PreK-12 Testing Segments, 2018-2021
Major Strides for Digital Infrastructure
Share of Online Testing in the Assessment Market
Table | The Market for PreK-12 Online Assessments, 2020-2021 (in millions)
State-Level Tests
Table | Statewide Vendor Contracts, Federally Mandated Summative Tests, Fall 2022
Balanced Assessment Systems and Innovative Pilots
Table | Leading Vendors for Federally Mandated Statewide Summative Tests, Fall 2022
Conclusions and Outlook
Table | Projected PreK-12 Testing Sales, by Segment, 2021-2025 (in millions)
Table | Projected Growth in PreK-12 Testing Sales, by Segment, 2021-2025 (in millions)
Table | Projected Market Share, PreK-12 Testing Sales, by Segment, 2021-2025 (in millions)
Table | Projected Market for PreK-12 Online Assessments, 2021-2025 (in millions)
Table | Projected Growth of PreK-12 Online Assessments, 2021-2025
Table | Projected Share of PreK-12 Online Assessments, 2021-2025 (in millions)
What This Report Covers
In addition to examining and determining the PreK-12 assessment market size, structure, and shares, the report also analyzes the impact of the pandemic, growth drivers, federal and state programs, state level tests and statewide vendor contracts, rethinking high school assessment, shifting testing priorities, professional learning, competency-based education, and key players in classroom assessment
Broader social trends also examined include the pushback on the fairness and value of current testing and innovative testing models being developed as a possible solution, including state applications and piloting of through-year models; the need to address Covid related learning loss particularly among the youngest learners; test anxieties, and the impact of teacher burnout and shortages.
Key Findings
One key finding examined in this report include the discovery that performative assessments are proving non-viable for summative testing purposes. Simba also reports that there is an increased demand and focus on specific student learning and assessment needs-specifically for social and emotional learning, language learning, financial literacy, computer science and civics. The report also examines the need and focus on the importance of better analytics analysis, so that data obtained from a test tells a larger story with critical context.
Key Trends Discussed
Several significant trends and developments are explored and analyzed in the report. Among them are the ongoing use of digital resources, which Simba has estimated makes up 65.2% of the total assessment market. An estimated 87% of state-level assessments are now being digitally administered.
Companies Covered
Key companies that play a leading role in the assessment and testing market are also profiled: ACT, Amplify, Cambium Learning Group, Cognia, College Board, Curriculum Associates, Data Recognition Corp., ETS, NWEA, Pearson, Renaissance and Riverside Insights.
About Simba Information
Publishers and investment professionals can trust Simba Information’s PreK-12 Testing Market Forecast 2022-2023 Report to provide the inside intelligence needed to evaluate the growth potential and understand the trends impacting the market for PreK-12 assessment including state level testing in the United States
This report is an essential tool for publishing executives, M&A advisors, market analysts, and industry consultants who need to understand the larger trends and necessary business strategies when considering the assessment and testing market.
Simba has the knowledge base and perspective gained from more than 20 years’ covering this market and the rapid changes in technology, the economy, mergers, partnerships and public policy than affect it.