by Freedonia Industry Studies
July 2, 2020
As states reopen and consumers return to frequenting malls, restaurants, and other destinations that make up a “normal” life, governments and building owners need to take extra precautions to ensure that patrons are safe while shopping or dining.
New York took a step in this direction by requiring HEPA filters be installed in indoor shopping malls where large crowds can gather. Surprisingly, this mandate does not require HEPA filters in other business and office buildings, though they are strongly encouraged.
Similarly, to put travelling fears at ease, American Airlines recently discussed how HEPA filters are used in its entire mainline fleet.
The CDC has stated that the primary transmission vector for the spread of COVID-19 is person-to-person. Social distancing is an important step in reducing the spread of COVID-19, but respiratory droplets can be transmitted through a buildings HVAC system and infect others regardless of the implementation of social distancing measures.
Installing HEPA filters, which have been shown to be capable of filtering out COVID-19 particles, can play an essential role in making enclosed spaces safer. The real effect as well as public perception of their personal safety is critical in reopening businesses, improving consumer confidence, and boosting spending.
For more information and discussion of opportunities in outdoor living trends, check out the The Freedonia Group’s publications Global Filters, Global HVAC Equipment, and HVAC Equipment. Freedonia Custom Research is also available for questions requiring tailored market intelligence.