by Freedonia Focus Reports
January 12, 2024
Growth will also be supported by increasing consumer demand for high-end and environmentally friendly products.
Cleveland, OH, January 12, 2024 — US bed and bath furnishing demand is forecast to grow 2.2% annually in nominal terms through 2027, according to Bed & Bath Furnishings: United States, a report recently released by Freedonia Focus Reports. Suppliers are projected to benefit from population growth and expanding disposable personal income, as well as rising construction expenditures on residential, healthcare, and lodging buildings. Growth will also be supported by increasing consumer demand for high-end and environmentally friendly products, such as sheets made with organic cotton and hypoallergenic materials, pillows made with memory foam or adjustable firmness, and towels featuring extra absorbency and anti-microbial properties.
In 2023, demand for bed and bath furnishings is expected to fall 22%, as consumers continue to shift spending away from home goods following elevated expenditures on such goods in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, with demand having peaked in 2021. An expected drop in cotton prices will also limit demand in value terms. After 2023, a strong rebound in sales is expected, as those products purchased in 2021 reach the end of their lifecycle and require replacement. Growth in home improvement spending will also support demand after 2023.
These and other key insights are featured in Bed & Bath Furnishings: United States. This report forecasts annually to 2027 US bed and bath furnishings demand and shipments in nominal US dollars at the manufacturer level. Total demand and shipments are segmented by product in terms of:
To illustrate historical trends, total demand, total shipments, the various segments, and trade are provided in annual series from 2012 to 2022.
For the purposes of this report, pillows and cushions include decorative types (sometimes called accent or throw pillows) in addition to bed pillows. Mattress toppers, mattress pads, and electric blankets are excluded from the scope of this report. Re-exports of bed and bath furnishings are excluded from demand and trade figures.
More information about the report is available at:
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