Report Overview
Multicultural consumers—particularly African American and Hispanic consumers—are a key financial services growth target. Buoyed by post-recession economic growth, African American household wealth is expected to grow by 70% from 2010 to 2019, and the number of African American households with a net worth of $100,000 or more is expected to top 4.7 million in 2018.
Likewise, rising household incomes and increasing wealth translate to a need for the financial services industry to target Hispanic consumers across a wider and deeper range of products and services. Hispanic household wealth is expected to grow by more than 90% from 2010 to 2019, and the number of Hispanic households with a net worth of $100,000 or more is expected to top 3.5 million in 2018.
Table of Contents
Attitudes Toward Money Management, Financial Institutions, and Discrimination
Attitudes Toward Money Management, Financial Risk, and Financial Institutions
All Adult Consumers
Table | Attitudes Toward Money Management, Financial Risk, and Financial Institutions: All Adults, 2009-2018
African American Consumers
Table | Attitudes Toward Money Management, Financial Risk, and Financial Institutions: All Adults vs. Africa
Table | Attitudes Toward Money Management, Financial Risk, and Financial Institutions: African American Adul
Hispanic Consumers
Table | Attitudes Toward Money Management, Financial Risk, and Financial Institutions: All Adults vs. Hispan
Table | Attitudes Toward Money Management, Financial Risk, and Financial Institutions: Hispanic Adults by Pr
Perceptions of Discrimination
Hispanic Consumers
Table | Perceptions of Discrimination During Recent Contact with Financial Institutions by Race/Ethnicity, A
Wealth Trends
Net Worth Forecast
Table | Total and Average U.S. Household Net Worth by Race/Ethnicity, 2010 vs. 2019
Table | Total U.S. Household Net Worth and Net Worth Share by Race/Ethnicity, 2010 vs. 2019
2010 vs. 2019 Comparisons, by Race/Ethnicity and Net Worth Segment
Table | U.S. White Household Net Worth: Total, Average, and HH Share, by Net Worth Segment, 2010 vs. 2019
Table | U.S. African American Household Net Worth: Total, Average, and HH Share, by Net Worth Segment, 2010
Table | U.S. Hispanic Household Net Worth: Total, Average, and HH Share, by Net Worth Segment, 2010 vs. 2019
Net Worth Trends: Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances
Total U.S. Household Net Worth Market Size
Table | Total U.S. Household Net Worth by Race/Ethnicity ($bil), 2013 vs. 2016
Median and Average Net Worth Trends
Table | Mean and Median HH Household Net Worth by Race/Ethnicity (2016 $), 2013 vs. 2016
Wealth Distribution
Table | Mean and Median Household Net Worth by Percentile Segment and Race/Ethnicity ($), 2016
Assets and Debt Snapshot
Table | Household Financial Profile by Race/Ethnicity ($), 2016
Net Worth Trends: Diary of Consumer Payment Choice
Hispanic Consumers
Table | Total Net Worth, Net Non-Home Assets, Net Home Value, and Checking Account Balance by Race/Ethnicity
Net Worth Segmentation Trends
African American Household Net Worth Trends
Table | African American Net Worth: Number and Share of Households by Net Worth Segment, 2001-2016
Table | Average African American Household Net Worth by Segment and Total Net Worth (2016 $1,000s), 2001-201
Hispanic Household Net Worth Trends
Table | Hispanic Net Worth: Number and Share of Households by Net Worth Segment (2016 $), 2001-2016
Table | Average Hispanic Household Net Worth by Segment and Total Net Worth (2016 $), 2001-2016
African American and Hispanic Net Worth: Affluent Households
Table | Total, Average, and Median Net Worth: All Households vs. Affluent Households by Race/Ethnicity, 2016
Table | Affluent Share of Households and Total Net Worth by Race/Ethnicity ($tril), 2016
African American and Hispanic Net Worth: Generations
Table | Total, Average, and Median Household Net Worth by Generation, 2016
Table | Total, Average, and Median Household Net Worth: Millennials by Race/Ethnicity, 2016
Table | Total, Average, and Median Household Net Worth: Generation X by Race/Ethnicity, 2016
Table | Total, Average, and Median Household Net Worth: Baby Boomers by Race/Ethnicity, 2016
Table | Total, Average, and Median Household Net Worth: Silent Generation by Race/Ethnicity, 2016
Asset and Debt Trends
Assets and Debt
Hispanic Households
Table | Average Household Assets and Debt by Type and Race/Ethnicity (2016 $1,000s), 2013 vs. 2016
Table | Homeownership: Ownership Rate, Net Value, Value, and Debt by Race/Ethnicity (2016 $1,000s), 2016
Table | Total, Average, and Median Household Net Worth: Homeowners vs. Non-homeowners by Race/Ethnicity, 201
Banking/Investment Account Ownership
Table | Banking/Investment Account Ownership by Account Value and Race/Ethnicity, 2018
African American Consumers
Table | Banking/Investment Account Ownership: African American Adults by Account Value and Generation (mil),
Table | Banking/Investment Account Ownership: African American Adults by Account Value and Household Income
Hispanic Consumers
Table | Banking/Investment Account Ownership: Hispanic Adults by Account Value and Generation (mil), 2018
Table | Banking/Investment Account Ownership: Hispanic Adults by Account Value and Household Income (mil), 2
Stocks and Liquid Assets
Liquid Assets
Table | Liquid Assets: Households That Own, Participation Rate, and Average Assets by Race/Ethnicity (2016 $
Table | Directly Held Stocks: Households That Own, Participation Rate, and Average Assets by Race/Ethnicity
Banking Relationships
National Bank, Credit Union, Local Bank, and Internet Bank Usage
Hispanic Consumers
Table | Bank Usage, by Bank Type and Race/Ethnicity (mil), 2018
African American Consumers: Demographic Analysis
Table | African American Bank Usage by Bank Type and Household Income, 2018
Table | African American Bank Usage by Bank Type and Generation, 2018
Hispanic Consumers: Demographic Analysis
Table | Hispanic Bank Usage by Bank Type and Household Income, 2018
Table | Hispanic Bank Usage by Bank Type and Generation, 2018
Table | Hispanic Bank Usage by Bank Type and Preferred Spoken Language, 2018
Reasons for Choosing Primary Bank
Location, Location, Location
Table | Rationales for Choosing Primary Bank, 2014-2018
Rationales for Choosing Primary Bank by Race/Ethnicity
Table | Rationales for Choosing Primary Bank by Race/Ethnicity, 2018
Factors Important to Opening a Checking Account
Convenience Reigns
Table | Most Important Reasons for Choosing Institution for Primary Checking Account, 2018
Analysis by Household Income
Table | Most Important Reasons for Choosing Institution for Primary Checking Account: <$75K Household Income
Table | Most Important Reasons for Choosing Institution for Primary Checking Account: $75K+ Household Income
Analysis by Age
Table | Most Important Reasons for Choosing Institution for Primary Checking Account: White, African America
Table | Most Important Reasons for Choosing Institution for Primary Checking Account: White, African America
Table | Most Important Reasons for Choosing Institution for Primary Checking Account: White, African America
Analysis by Household Income
Table | Negative Checking Account Balance and Overdraft Protection Methods: <$75K Household Income White, Af
Analysis by Age
Table | Negative Checking Account Balance and Overdraft Protection Methods: White, African American, and His
Mobile Banking, Wallets, and Apps
Online and Mobile Banking
Online Banking Trends
Table | Online Banking in Last 30 Days, by Race/Ethnicity, 2010-2018
Mobile Banking Momentum
Table | Mobile Banking in Last 30 Days, by Race/Ethnicity, 2014-2018
Mobile Wallet Apps
Table | Mobile Wallet App Usage, by HH Income, Age, and Race/Ethnicity, 2018
Table | Mobile Wallet App Usage, by Brand, Age, and HH Income, 2018
Banking/Finance Apps
Table | Banking/Finance App Used in Last 30 Days, by Race/Ethnicity, 2014-2018
Table | Banking/Finance App Used in Last 30 Days: Hispanics vs. All Adults, by HH Income and Age, 2018
Table | Banking/Finance App Used in Last 30 Days: African American s vs. All Adults, by HH Income and Age, 2
Payment Choices
Consumer Payments by Payment Instrument
Table | Consumer Payments by Payment Instrument: Average Amount Per Person, Monthly Payment Volume and Value
Table | Consumer Payments by Payment Instrument: Total Annual Payment Volume and Value ($bil), 2017
Per-Person Payment Value by Race/Ethnicity
Table | Monthly Per-Person Payment Value by Payment Instrument and Race/Ethnicity ($), 2017
African American Consumer Payments by Payment Instrument
Table | African American Consumer Payments by Payment Instrument: Average Amount Per Person, Monthly Payment
Hispanic Consumer Payments by Payment Instrument
Table | Hispanic Consumer Payments by Payment Instrument: Average Amount Per Person, Monthly Payment Volume
Credit Card User Wallet Share and Net Worth
Credit Card Users, Cards Per User, and Wallet Share
Table | Active Credit Card Users, Cards Per User, and Wallet Share by Card Network/Type and Race/Ethnicity,
Revolvers vs. Transactors
Table | Credit Card Revolvers vs. Transactors: Active Credit Card Wallet Share by Race/Ethnicity, 2017
Credit Card User Net Worth, by Race/Ethnicity
Table | Active Credit Card Users: Net Worth, Home Value/Debt, and Non-Home Value/Debt by Race/Ethnicity ($),
Table | U.S. Generations, 2018
Table | Report Abbreviations and Acronyms, 2017
What's in This Report?
The Financial Services Market: African Americans and Hispanics drills down into this population of multicultural consumers, examining household finances by demographic; analyzing net worth, asset, and debt trends; highlighting banking relationships and attitudes toward money management, financial institutions, and discrimination; and researching payment preferences and mobile banking, app, and wallet use. Heavy emphasis is placed on market sizing. Examples include total household wealth by various race/ethnicity demographic segments; the dollar value of payments made by various payment instruments; and active credit card wallet share of revolvers and transactors, by race/ethnicity. As such, the report provides an important marketing tool that can be used to target populations across a wide variety of financial services and products.