Whether the fabric of your business is made of cotton, spunbond, or something in between, Freedonia industry market research can help you sew up your markets. With reports that focus on the major applications for your products, we can help you unmask the next best market opportunities – after all, it's not every day a global pandemic does that for you.
In 2021, the US produced $57 billion in textile fibers, fabrics, and products. Production is expected to increase 3.2% per year through 2026.
Nonwovens are materials made from fibers, filaments, and films that are arranged into webs, batts, or sheets and then bonded together using mechanical, thermal, or chemical means. Along with coated fabrics and other value-added textile products, nonwovens are a part of the textiles industry that is often referred to as technical textiles.
Among the key uses for nonwovens are:
US geosynthetics demand in square meters forecast to 2028 with segmentation by product in terms of: geotextiles; geomembranes; geogrids; geonets; and small volume/niche products such as geosynthetic clay liners, preformed geocomposites, and geocells.
This report forecasts to 2028 global demand for geosynthetics by product, market, and major world region in square meters.
This report forecasts to 2028 geosynthetics demand in square meters in Europe.
This report forecasts to 2028 geosynthetics demand in square meters in Canada. Total demand is segmented by product in terms of: geotextiles; geomembranes; geogrids; geonets; and small volume/niche products such as geosynthetic clay liners, preformed geocomposites, and geocells.
This report forecasts to 2028 geosynthetics demand in square meters in Mexico.
This study analyzes the global market for geosynthetics, including: geotextiles, geomembranes, geogrids, geonets, small volume or niche geosynthetics. Historical data for 2013, 2018, and 2023 and forecasts for 2028 and 2033 are provided for demand in dollars and square meters, Annual data for 2020-2027 are also presented.
This report forecasts to 2028 US disposable medical supplies demand in nominal US dollars at the wholesale level.
This report forecasts to 2027 global demand for nonwovens by web formation process, market, and major world region in metric tons.
This report forecasts to 2027 US nonwovens demand and production in metric tons.
This report forecasts to 2027 nonwovens demand and production in metric tons in Europe.