Simba Information examines trends surrounding college course materials publishers.
October 2, 2019Given the limited budgetary resources of many public districts and schools, it has been speculated that increased spending for classroom hardware may be depressing spending on traditional instructional materials.
February 2, 2017Vermont is one example of a state with a Professional Learning Network. Launched in 2013, it is a statewide system for professional learning related to two objectives: instructional leadership and Common Core implementation.
October 24, 2016As more technology is made available for classroom use, school administrators have realized they need to provide teachers with training on how to use that technology and integrate it into their practice. More than 80% ...
September 23, 2016Simba Information’s New Teachers, Getting Adjusted: 2015-2016 covers the experiences of K-12 teachers with regard to the use of technology in the classroom and the amount of training received in the areas of classroom management and lesson planning, among other topics. Trends that are shaping the teaching profession are also examined. For the purpose of this report, Simba partnered with MCH Strategic Data to poll teachers across the nation. A relatively short survey consisting of 27 multiple c...
March 8, 2016Informational text and writing are two areas where reading and English language arts educators are seeking new or different curriculum materials as they implement the Common Core State Standards. That is one of the findings of a new Common Core update report from Simba Information/Education Market Research. More than half of educators (50.1%), responding to a spring 2014 EMR survey said implementation of the Common Core has caused a moderate change in the way they teach English language arts a...
July 22, 2015