Enjoy this fast fact from Simba Information’s report, "Open Access Book Publishing 2020-2024"
January 5, 2021No lunch is free, but OA’s price tag has some losing their appetite
December 10, 2020A coalition of European national research institutes’ bold plan to divert the researchers it funds away from publishing results in journals that collect subscription fees would face a tougher path in the U.S. — this was the consensus of a law and policy panel assembled by the Association of American Publishers at its annual professional and scholarly publishers conference.
February 25, 2019Elsevier, Springer Nature, John Wiley & Sons and Informa have fended off the advent of preprint article repositories, open access journals, funder mandates, boycotts and big deal library subscription cancellations. Here are five reasons why these leading companies continue to endure...
July 11, 2018University presses, learned societies and small commercial publishers that have been the most vulnerable to disruption brought by the Internet, open access (OA) movement and tight library budgets are starting to experiment with models for publishing OA books. The good news for them? Three of the five most dominate academic publishers are not.
November 16, 2016Steady increases in journal subscription costs have given rise to a movement to create free, unfettered access to scholarly research. This movement has the broad support of researchers, governments, private research foundations, college and university faculty and librarians.But disruption of a scholarly publishing ecosystem that traces its roots to the 17th century has given rise to a new breed of publishers with questionable business practices.The latest report from Simba Information, Open Access Journal Publishing 2016-2020, delves into the emergence of such predatory publishers and how the industry is combating it.
October 11, 2016The recent release of Simba Information’s report Global Legal Publishing 2016-2020 presents a very unique opportunity, one that I cannot let pass-the chance to publish a blog about law publishing and blogs. I know, take a breath, gather yourselves because we are about to boldly go where only Seinfeld’s Cosmo Kramer-he of the coffee table book about coffee tables-would go. The legal publishing industry is facing some of the same changes the science, technical and medical (STM) publishing face...
March 18, 2016