In its just-released Buy Now, Pay Later: Point-of-Sale Installment Loans report, we estimate that the BNPL installment lending market in the U.S. grew to $250 billion in 2020
October 5, 2021In contrast to debit card or credit card use, overall rates for buying gift cards has notched downward in recent years, while rates for using prepaid cards other than gift have remained fairly stable.
April 20, 2020The commercial payment card industry is at a tipping point. Find out why…
February 11, 2020Airlines remain a co-branded credit card lynchpin, contributing $379 billion to some $990 billion in total 2018 U.S. co-branded card purchase value.
September 16, 2019Packaged Facts estimates that co-branded credit cards generated $990 billion in purchase value last year. Travel and entertainment brands commanded 55% of spending, 70% of which was attributable to airline-branded credit cards.
August 20, 2019Retailers and their private label credit card partners continue to refine their retailer-specific mobile apps, which provide a very important customer loyalty and engagement nexus that increasingly includes payment and loan options.
August 1, 2019The sheer volume of spending on food at home by affluent households—which is in excess of $100 billion—makes them an essential consumer segment for food manufacturers, marketers, distributors, and grocers...But, as Packaged Facts reports, it’s not money alone that sets affluent food shoppers apart.
July 1, 2019As prognosticators attempt to call the beginning of the next recession, one thing is fairly certain: Affluent and high-net worth families are an intriguing recession bet.
June 13, 2019After the US Department of Labor’s Fiduciary Duty rule was struck down by a federal appeals court in 2018, the federal government has yet to issue another iteration of the rule. However, a handful of states are attempting to create a robust standard.
May 13, 201940% of U.S. adults purchased a gift card in the past year
May 6, 2019