As the start of the 2021-2022 school year approached in August, school superintendents were focused on active learning, engagement and building deep connections, but found that COVID-19 continued to impact schools.
September 13, 2021This blog is based on the new Simba Information report "Publishing for the PreK-12 Market, 2020-2021"
September 1, 2020In 2019, it seemed that disruption in the higher education space accelerated. Among the headlines was the potential merger of two of the largest traditional publishers of course materials—Cengage and McGraw-Hill Education—as they seek to improve their chances of surviving the disruption and forging a viable path forward in the changing market.
December 2, 2019Simba Information examines trends surrounding college course materials publishers.
October 2, 2019Colleges and universities and publishers and bookstores are looking to address the changing course materials needs of college students and faculty.
April 26, 2019Publishers are approaching changes in the PreK-12 instructional materials market in different ways
August 7, 2018Higher education publishers and distributors are ramping up their efforts to change the way college students acquire and access course materials, increasingly with the support of institutions and faculty.
March 19, 2018