New Packaged Facts report "Pet Supplements in the U.S., 8th Edition" examines how CBD supplements are trending and boosting sales in the pet market.
February 2, 2021In addition to unusual or exotic proteins, treat marketers are relying on functional ingredients to capture pet owners’ attention, making it possible for them to address pet health and wellness issues while enjoying “treat time.”
October 22, 2019Enjoy this guest blog by Dogviously
October 10, 2019From medicinal marijuana to CBD-infused chewing gum, the human health and wellness market has experienced a surge of interest in cannabis products, a development that has spilled over with gusto into the pet supplements market.
June 3, 2019Holistic veterinarians are a key resource for pet supplements. Not only do holistic vets believe proper nutrition is the best preventative medicine for pets, but they will be much more passionate about recommending supplements to pet owners as a first line of defense for the pet’s health. Given this potential for pet supplement marketers, a very important question becomes, just where do holistic vets practice? Based on the directory of holistic veterinarians supplied by the American Holistic V...
April 9, 2015