Culinary convenience is a quality coveted by many Americans who struggle to fit meal preparation into their busy schedules. It’s no surprise, then, that meal kit delivery services are the latest and most successful attempt to provide people who are on the go with simple solutions to their mealtime problem.
April 6, 2017The kids’ food and beverage market is particularly challenging because industry players must market to children and parents at the same time. This means delivering on healthfulness: Nearly half (46%) of parents list nutritional value as most important when choosing foods at the supermarket for their children, the highest response rate among 16 choices.
February 16, 2017Perhaps more than ever before, consumers want to know about what’s in their meat and poultry, how it was raised and where it came from. This need to know taps a breadth of concerns related to food healthfulness and sustainable practices, as discussed in the Packaged Facts report, "Meat, Poultry and Seafood: Restaurant Trends and Opportunities".
December 15, 2016Consumers continue to embrace snacking—not only as viable daypart option but also as a paradigm through which to view eating in general (smaller, more frequent meals). This has caused and will continue to cause changes in consumers’ relationships with traditional breakfast foods.
November 10, 2016Save 10% on Food and Beverage Packaging Innovation in the U.S.: Consumer Perspectives with discount code PFFBPICP through July 1. June 1 - Dramatic changes in demographics, lifestyles, and eating patterns are helping to drive packaging innovations. Among the mega-trends feeding into package development are changing population distribution, fewer married couples, more people living alone, smaller household size, and multi-generational households. These demographic shifts are leading to changes ...
June 1, 2016Chobani recently announced that it is expanding its product range to appeal to more consumers and eating occasions. Central to the expansion is its new Chobani Kids and Chobani Tots lines, which will prominently feature Disney and Marvel characters on packaging. Such efforts by Disney are an essential strategic maneuver to not only potentially boost present-day sales, but to also build a vital rapport with the next generation of consumers that will endure even as today’s kids grow to adulthood. ...
January 22, 2015