Industry players and marketers are doing their part in addressing health trends through new product development of better-for-you breakfast.
January 2, 2019Gluten has been in the news frequently in the past few years, and people increasingly avoid it due to allergies and various dietary trends that seek to limit gluten intake. A new breakthrough has been made in cracking the wheat genome – a code over five times more complex than the human genome. Can the development help fulfill consumer desires for better-tasting, better-for-you wheat products, including gluten-free options?
September 18, 2018For the millions of people who have celiac disease the various gluten-free certifications are of great value, not only helping them to manage a serious health condition, but providing psychological and emotional relief as well.
February 27, 2017Celebrate National Waffle Day with Packaged Facts. Get 10% off Breakfast: Retail Market Trends and Opportunities in the U.S. through September 15 with code PFWAFFLE. Aug. 24 - If you love your breakfast food saturated in sweet sticky syrup, you are not alone. Despite food industry trends favoring healthy, gluten free, and portable products, it’s clear that Americas haven’t entirely given their favorite battered breakfast foods the boot. Recent research by Packaged Facts reveals that more th...
August 24, 2016The FDA’s ruling on the use of “gluten-free” labeling is a triumph for consumers who suffer from Celiac disease, wheat allergies, or other grain-based food intolerances. When the regulation goes into effect a year from now, consumers who follow a gluten-free lifestyle out of necessity or choice will be able to shop for groceries with more confidence. The FDA’s final rule is setting a gluten limit of less than 20 ppm (parts per million) in foods that carry this label. The FDA explains that is the...
August 15, 2013