Better-for-you snacks are positioned as healthier than conventional snacks, based on health claims and characterizations that consumers perceive as important to health such as clean label, low fat, low sodium, plant-based, and low/no added sugar.
September 16, 2021Investments in branding, marketing, and distribution help to explain the growing popularity of pistachios.
May 7, 2018Americans living in urban areas are the biggest fans of alternative ingredient snacks, even more so than people who live in suburban areas and far more than those living in rural settings. The differences are most pronounced for pulse- and seaweed-based snacks, but the pattern holds true for every type of alternative ingredient salty snack and cracker; rural snackers are just less interested.
March 2, 2017Consumers continue to embrace snacking—not only as viable daypart option but also as a paradigm through which to view eating in general (smaller, more frequent meals). This has caused and will continue to cause changes in consumers’ relationships with traditional breakfast foods.
November 10, 2016Packaged Facts is offering a healthy discount on Healthy-Ingredient Snacks in the U.S., 2nd Edition. Purchase the report by October 1 and receive 10% off with code SNACKS2016. Aug. 2 - Meat snacks (jerky and other snacks such as meat sticks) have become a darling of the snacking world in the last couple of years. Between paleo dieters and CrossFitters espousing the benefits of a high protein diet, the gluten- and wheat-free tribes avoiding anything to do with breads, and the continued negative...
August 2, 2016Consumers are looking for foods that provide health and wellness benefits and contain ingredients that address illness mitigation. Packaged Facts data from a January-February 2014 survey notes that 57% of consumers are looking for foods with nutrients that address health concerns. Among the nutrients consumers are keying in on is protein. Protein provides many benefits, including its support of weight management and proper growth, immune, heart and respiratory function. According to Packaged F...
July 9, 2014American consumers have permanently changed their eating habits. The era of three square meals a day has gone the way of the typewriter and vacuum tube. More and more Americans eat smaller portions of food more frequently throughout the day, and there is universal agreement in the food industry that this megatrend is here to stay. Another cultural shift fueling the healthy-ingredient snacks market is the high priority placed by many consumers on making sure that the food they-and their kids-eat ...
October 11, 2013