Perhaps more than ever before, consumers want to know about what’s in their meat and poultry, how it was raised and where it came from. This need to know taps a breadth of concerns related to food healthfulness and sustainable practices, as discussed in the Packaged Facts report, "Meat, Poultry and Seafood: Restaurant Trends and Opportunities".
December 15, 2016How Greek yogurt has helped pave the way for a manly yogurt News that Dannon Yogurt, the U.S., New York-based subsidiary of Danone, signed a new marketing contract with the National Football League (NFL) as its official yogurt sponsor may have come as a surprise to many. Food Navigator U.S.A., a food industry trade publication (July 30, 2014 ), reported a deal for the 2015 season, following Super Bowl ads placed in 2012 and 2014. For yogurt-makers, ongoing ad placement in front of a male-centr...
August 13, 2014Consumers are looking for foods that provide health and wellness benefits and contain ingredients that address illness mitigation. Packaged Facts data from a January-February 2014 survey notes that 57% of consumers are looking for foods with nutrients that address health concerns. Among the nutrients consumers are keying in on is protein. Protein provides many benefits, including its support of weight management and proper growth, immune, heart and respiratory function. According to Packaged F...
July 9, 2014